Prosthodontic FAQs

What treatments does a Prosthodontist undertake?

Prosthodontists restore broken down teeth and replace missing teeth with aesthetic and functional restorations. 

How may damaged teeth be restored?

Small and medium defects in teeth may be restored with direct restorations using materials such as amalgam or composite. 

Where teeth are more severely broken down then an indirect restoration may be required.  Indirect restorations are fabricated ‘indirectly’ by a laboratory technician on a stone cast made from an impression of the tooth requiring restoration.  Indirect restorations include restorations such as onlays, veneers or crowns. 

Usually at least two visits are required to fabricate indirect restorations and a temporary restoration must be worn for a couple of weeks while the restoration is being made in the laboratory.

How may missing teeth be replaced?

The options for replacing missing teeth include dentures, bridgework and dental implants. 

There are many factors influencing the decision as to the most appropriate option. Some of the main factors are the number of missing teeth, where the spaces are in the mouth, the condition of the remaining teeth, patient preference and cost. 

How do I know which is the best treatment option for me?

There is no one particular procedure for restoring broken teeth or replacing missing teeth.  There are many options and there is no one size fits all solution.  I have a broad breadth of experience in undertaking all options and will find the best solution that will fit with to your individual situation.

I am a nervous patient.  How can I have prosthodontic treatment?

I take great care and time to provide treatment in as relaxed an environment as possible and even the most nervous patients are surprised as to how well they have managed.  However, if you believe your anxiety would be an obstacle to accepting treatment, I am fully trained in providing sedation and would be happy to discuss this option further with you.

“With specialisation comes expertise”