Striving for Excellence


What is a Prosthodontist?

Prosthodontists are dentists who have chosen to complete additional specialised study in the area of prosthodontics with a focus on the restoration and replacement of teeth. They are trained in complete oral rehabilitation and are dedicated to the highest standards of care.

As a specialist in Prosthodontics, I have met the rigorous criteria set by the GDC in order to gain entry onto a specialist list.  This involved an advanced education programme that included three years of structured study and regular assessment and examination. 

Prosthodontists co-ordinate treatment with your general dentist to make sure that they are kept informed of your progress and that they can continue the long-term maintenance of your teeth. The relationship between your general dentist and your prosthodontist is a very important one and is essential to your ongoing successful treatment. 

“With specialisation comes expertise”