Striving for Excellence

Patient Information

How do I get referred?

If you are already registered with a dentist, your dentist will refer you directly to me. This means you do not have to do anything at all. I will get in touch with you to confirm that I have received your referral and to discuss a suitable time for your appointment.

If you are NOT registered with a dentist, you may self-refer for consultation and treatment yourself. However, I strongly recommend that you register with a dentist for your routine dental and oral care.

In order to self-refer, please fill in you contact details below and I will then contact you for an initial chat to find out more about you and your needs. Following that, I will arrange an appointment at a time and location that is best for you.

Why have I been referred to a Prosthodontist?

Your dentist can carry out routine dental treatment perfectly. However, sometimes the condition of our mouths is such that it requires specialised diagnosis and treatment to support a healthy outcome. I have chosen to specialise in Prosthodontics and thus I undertake more complex restorative treatments every day. I work closely with other specialists and your general dentist in order to achieve the best possible results for your dental situation.

If I get treatment by a Prosthodontist, does this mean I don’t go back to my General Dentist?

I am here to support you through a specific dental event, and we always recommend that you stay connected with your general dentist and ensure that regular check-ups are conducted as advised by the practice you visit.


“With specialisation comes expertise”

Your First Appointment

What can I expect at my first appointment?

It is my privilege to guide you through your options for treatment during your first appointment. I set aside a significant amount of time to get to know you, your current dental condition and goals. We will work together to achieve the best possible outcome for you. This is a guide map of your first consultation:

  • I will discuss your concerns and the history of those concerns.
  • I will have a look around your mouth, completing a dental examination and identify issues relating to your current situation. We may also make some incidental observations which may be relevant to your case during our examination.
  • I often record some additional information such as photos, impressions and x-rays. These help me to identify possible issues or clarify existing ones. These extra tests assist me with our treatment options and in forming the best possible plan for your specific case.
  • After all assessments are complete, I will talk about the treatment options that best suit your situation including the reality of dental treatment, maintenance and long-term expectations.
  • You then get to decide which option suits you best. Sometimes the choice is clear, and you can decide on the spot. Other times the choice is not so easy, and we may need to get an opinion from another dental specialist. In complex situations, you may also wish to discuss all the issues raised with your significant others.
  • Once you have formed an opinion as to your favoured option, I will provide a written summary of the proposed plan of treatment along with the costs involved in its undertaking.

I am committed to ensuring that you are well informed and educated about the choices available to you as we work together to restore your dental health. My practice is built on trust, respect and collaboration. I aspire to provide you with the best possible dental experience and treatment outcomes throughout our journey together.


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